The Fifties: the adventure of Italian design begins, beautiful and useful things for everybody
Architects and designers discover the furniture industry. A true revolution begins in the kitchen: with the first furnishings in series and the first electrical appliances, it becomes modular and compact. Plastic laminate is established as a valuable new industrial product and accepted in all levels of society as a sign of modernism.
Arpa Industriale starts its operations in Bra
The Sixties: mass consumption takes off
In response to new needs for practicality and comfort, a creative culture develops integrating the elegance of form with the functional necessities of the modern family. Furniture’s colours and shapes evolve quickly: from the traditional dark and light browns, they move to pastel colours, then to the black and white of Opt Art. The Arpa catalogue includes 50 different decors.
The Seventies: imagination rules; Italian design is at the height of creativity
Homes become an explosion of chromaticism, fluorescent variations, geometric designs. Decorations change the look but and meaning of objects. Colours, materials and surfaces add structure to rooms, send off strong signals, and communicate their identity. Arpa’s offerings expand again: they quickly reach 100 decors, with six available finishes.
First Italian subsidiary: Pesaro
Surface finishes for high endurance (ERRE)
The Eighties: it is time to experiment
Industrial design becomes a driver, and household furnishings are an extraordinary tool for the avant-garde. The domestic landscape is populated with totem objects, with bold colour schemes that meet emotional needs before they meet functional needs. Arpa’s offerings and capacity grow exponentially, not only in finishes and decors (more than doubled) but especially in innovations of types and materials.
Postforming: bendable HPL for the furniture industry
Unicolor: plain colour melamine laminate
The Nineties: confronting a new minimalism of lines and shapes with aspirations of eco-sustainability
Increasingly frequent contact across different cultures brings Arpa to explore new solutions to the problems of living, while a new need for personalisation and identity affirmation leads the way.
Installed incinerator with energy recovery and controlled emissions in real time
Freestanding HPL with black core
First European subsidiary: Arpa France
Personalised HPL with digital transfer technique
Building Grade: high-endurance HPL for external uses
The new millennium: the pursuit of quality and sustainability
The home expresses the complexity, the contrasts and the multiplicity of tastes and cultures of contemporary living. A mixture of styles predominates. Lively colours, unusual materials, and new finishes are sought after. The fusion style triumphs. A growing sensitivity to the environment steers research to sustainable production.
Arpa Creativity begins: a project in synergy with architects and designers
First non-European subsidiary: Arpa USA
EN 438 update
The strength of pressure used in Arpa’s production cycle, in order to maintain high standards of quality, is up to 60% greater than required by the standards.
Adoption of the Code of Ethics
Creation of the S.H.E. Department: Safety, Health, Environment
Our times - the multi-sensory experience - there is no homogeneity of styles, nor is there a rigid division of spaces in traditional settings.
Living space must be welcoming and elicit emotions and sensations. The kitchen, for example, is no longer only a place to cook food, but a warm and social space, a place to experience companionship.
Additionally, materials become smart: Arpa researchers develop FENIX NTM®, an innovative material for interior design applications, made with nanotechnologies.
Arpa for the Kitchen: the first collection for this specific application
New showrooms open: New York and Barcelona, Arpa in Bra and Pesaro
Arpa for You: a collection of 311 decors in thin HPL, all with rapid delivery
Naturalia: a compact, eco-sustainable material
Silverlam: a ground-breaking HPL able to deter the growth of bacteria on surfaces
Athlon: a collection of decorative HPL panels in a high thickness with a fast delivery service
FENIX NTM®: extremely opaque innovative material for interior design
FENIX NTA®: an empowered metal surface
BLOOM: a new core technology for Arpa HPL and FENIX NTM®